이 섹션의 글
Role separation for Institutional clients
27 11월 2024 · 오전 8:12 업데이트 완료
Institutional users are able to share account access with their employees for reporting purposes. To do this, follow these steps:
- Please log into your institutional account, and in the Team section, send an invitation to a team member by selecting the ‘Invite team member’ box.
The employee will receive an email notification requesting the necessary documents for verification. The documents should be sent to institutional@tothemoon.com.
Once the account has been verified and approved, the employee will be able to download the report for the main account in the “Balances - History” section, which will be sent to his/her email.
Please note:
- The email to which the invitation is sent must not be registered with Tothemoon so that company information is not mixed with the employee's personal details.
- If the invitation is not accepted within 24 hours, the link will expire. In this case, the institutional account holder will need to delete the invitation and resend it.
- The invited employee does not have access to the balance and transaction history of the institutional account.
- The invited employee can only use the account to download reports.
- If an invited employee has successfully completed the simplified verification and then been deleted by the Institutional Client, it will not be possible to resend the invitation to the same email address.