Who can get the Tothemoon card?

aktualisiert 20 November 2024 · 12:12

We offer our card to users who have passed the KYC level 3 on our exchange. To do this you will need to submit documentation and will receive a questionnaire from us. 

We must also point out your application can be rejected by our card provider due to them performing initial checks. Those applying must be within the European Union and have the necessary documentation to prove this.
Institutional users cannot access our card at this time, only retail investors.
You must also have all security functions enabled on your Tothemoon account when applying. These include 2 Factor Authentication (2FA) and a security pin code.

We ask when you do apply for the card that you tell us:

  • What the card will be used for.
  • The number of transactions.
  • Your employment status.
  • Monthly turnover.
  • Your tax country of residence.

Rest assured, if you don’t get approved for our card you can still use our exchange services.

© Tothemoon 2025, Cypher Trading, UAB. Lvivo g. 105A-101, LT-08104 Vilnius, Lithuania
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