How do I enable 2FA for my account?

aktualisiert 21 November 2024 · 13:50

Web Version –

1. Go to, and click on the top right button “Sign in" or "Create account”.

2. Sign in (or Sign up if you don’t have an account) to Tothemoon.
After that click on the “Account” button and choose Security.

3: To enable Two-Factor Authentication, download Google Authenticator on the App Store or Google Play. Click on the “Enable 2FA” button. Then Scan the barcode with your Google Authenticator app or copy the secret key manually. Don't forget to save your secret key, as it is provided only once!
Enter a code generated by your Google Authenticator.
Click on the “Enable 2FA” button to finish it up.

Mobile Application Version

1. Sign in (or Sign up if you don’t have an account) to Tothemoon.
After that click on the “Account” button and choose Settings and Security.

2. To enable Two-Factor Authentication, download Google Authenticator on the App Store or Google Play.
Click on the “Enable 2FA” button.
Then Scan the barcode with your Google Authenticator app or copy the secret key manually.
Don't forget to save your secret key, as it is provided only once!
Enter a code generated by your Google Authenticator.
Click on the “Enable 2FA” button to finish it up.

Great! Now your account is more secure and your trading is safer than before.

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