Are my funds safe with Tothemoon?

Bijgewerkt - 21 november 2024 · 12:20

Tothemoon provides user funds insurance with a Secure Asset Fund where we allocate a part of all trading fees to offer protection to our users and their funds in extreme cases. The size of the Secure Asset Fund is changed dynamically based on the current market situation, but can't be reduced to less than $1,000,000 in USD equivalent. To ensure the security of the funds in custody, Tothemoon follows strict Security Policy that enforces a set of security standards for our technical and business operations. 

However, our policy does not cover any losses resulting from unauthorized access to users personal account(s) due to a breach or loss of credentials. It is your responsibility to use a strong password and maintain control of all login credentials you use to access Tothemoon. Digital currency is not legal tender and is not backed by the government.

© Tothemoon 2025, Cypher Trading, UAB. Lvivo g. 105A-101, LT-08104 Vilnius, Lithuania
Vergunning voor het aanbieden van diensten op het gebied van de omwisseling en bewaring van virtuele valuta onder toezicht van de Litouwse opsporingsdienst voor financiële misdrijven (FCIS).